Add reversed cards to card type in existing deck on AnkiDroid

Hey, I downloaded an existing deck that I love, but it only goes from Japanese to English. I’m hoping to add a reverse option for each existing card and I’ve seen some talk on how to do that on desktop or how to entirely reverse a deck in AnkiDroid, but I’m hoping to just add a reverse option for each of my current cards on the Android app.

I almost exclusively use the app for my studying and the only exception is checking the website on my phone which seems to have even fewer options for deck management than the app. If this isn’t possible to do on the app then I can install the windows application if someone could guide me to a modern guide on how to do this (the one I saw was 11 years old on a Mac), but I’d rather just keep it to the app if at all possible.

Debug Info:

AnkiDroid Version = 2.20.1 (e32a82c33646807ea19623c9c88be38965bc07e6)

Backend Version = 0.1.48-anki24.11 (24.11 c47638ca36f99dd4f3b81ae82d964aec66e392e0)

Android Version = 13 (SDK 33)

ProductFlavor = play

Manufacturer = samsung

Model = SM-N986U

Hardware = qcom

Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-N986U Build/TP1A.220624.014; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/131.0.6778.136 Mobile Safari/537.36

ACRA UUID = 9e4782fe-db68-45e6-9389-4e0327836685

FSRS = 1.4.3 (Enabled: true)

Crash Reports Enabled = true

You can totally do this on Android. Just make sure you understand what you’re doing. You’re not reversing a deck, you’re trying to add a new card type so that each note generates what we’re calling reverse cards.

I suggest reading/skimming through Getting Started - Anki Manual first.

  1. Review a card that you want to reverse.
  2. Tap “Edit note” in the menu.
  3. Tap on “Cards”. This is on the bottom of note editor. Once you tap it, the template editor opens up.
  4. Tap on the three dots on top-right and this opens a menu.
  5. Select “Add”.

This action adds a reverse card for all notes using this particular note type. If the deck uses multiple note types you might need to do this once again.

Caveat: If the note type is too complex, you also might need to make some manual changes to the template. If you’re uncomfortable with this, paste the code here and someone else might be able to help.


You don’t have to wait for a card to come up in a study session. If you know what note type it is, you can skip steps 1 & 2 and go directly to it.


Awesome, I was about to add a new card to the template I was using for a reverse option thanks to your information. This template was only being used by this single deck so it didn’t have an effect on anything else. It had some extra information I didn’t want on the front of the reversed card, but I was able to eventually get the template just how I wanted.

I’ll make sure to read through what you linked so I can get a better idea of how to work with Anki going forward.

Thanks again!