I accidentally deleted all my media files from my computer. Then, I accidentally synced to anki web. Now my deck has none of my images, and I would like to restore from a previous sync when I had my media.
I’m hoping you might be able to restore my media from anytime before 5/19, before I deleted the files.
Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it. This would be a lifesaver.
Did you wait long enough for the images to fully sync to your computer? If you had a lot of media, it can take a few tries until you have it all downloaded.
Tools > Preferences > Syncing > Media Log
Tools > Check Media
I have accidently deleted my media folder as well and synced. I have been Anki user for 3+ years for now. please help me download them. Please Please. I have 7000+ media items. (((((
Ouch, that hurts! If there’s anything that can be retrieved on the server side, dae will be able to respond about that the next time he’s online.
Since there’s no guarantee that will be possible – have you looked everywhere else possible?
If you recently deleted the folder from your computer – does your system move it to a “trash” folder where you can restore it from?
Do you have the important files on your computer backed up anywhere – to another device or cloud service?
Have you synced your Anki collection to any other devices? Even if you haven’t synced it recently, you may be able to recover a media folder from recently enough to help.
Are any of your decks shared decks that you can re-import the media for? [You don’t want to take the chance of the new import overwriting any of your edits or review history in the deck, so import the shared deck to a new (temporary) profile, then copy the contents of the collection.media folder to your main profile’s collection.media folder, and run a Check Media to see what helped.]
Thank you so much for your quick response.
I tried recovering using a data recovery software. But couldn’t recover all. Please help me recover these missing files. @dae@Danika_Dakika Thank you for your support
I suggest you check the cards on AnkiWeb. If the images show there, it indicates you need to wait for media syncing to complete. If the images fail to appear on AnkiWeb as well, that implies that they were never synced to AnkiWeb, and unfortunately can’t be restored.
I checked. And glad that its available on ankiweb. I am trying to sync both on phone as well as desktop. syncing is completed. but media not synced yet. let me wait for some days.