24.04 not fully optimizing after 400 reviews

Had a deck with less than 400 reviews. 24.04 let me optimize the first 3 numbers (of the 17).
It recently passed 400 reviews. 24.04 still only optimizes the first 3 numbers (of the 17). Is this intended behavior? When will all 17 variables be optimizable?

I haven’t experimented with that new optimization metric yet, but FSRS still only counts 1 review per card per day, so if you are looking at Anki’s totaling of the overall “reps” – it might be higher than what FSRS will consider.


I believe this is unintended, and “pretrain” (partial optimization) should be available only in 24.04.2 beta. @L.M.Sherlock am I wrong?

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Pretrain only is available in 24.04. Implemented in update FSRS to v0.2.0 by L-M-Sherlock · Pull Request #2977 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

In Anki 24.04, full optimization requires 1000+ reviews. However, as Danika said, FSRS counts reviews in a different way than the stats page in Anki.


Had a deck with less than 400 reviews. 24.04 let me optimize the first 3 numbers (of the 17).

Optimization with less than 400 reviews is not possible in Anki 24.04. Possibly, you have applied the same preset to another deck too and FSRS is using the reviews from that deck also, making the total review count between 400 and 1000.

Yes, I believe I have accounted for that. Since the “compute optimal retention” function was un-available prior to 400 reps, and now the function is usable, I assumed that FSRS considers me to have done 400 reps.

Optimization with less than 400 reviews is not possible in Anki 24.04. Possibly, you have applied the same preset to another deck too and FSRS is using the reviews from that deck also, making the total review count between 400 and 1000.

Yes, I also read that this was not possible, however I was certainly able to do it with less than 400 reviews (I could optimize the first 3 numbers of the 17). No, the preset did not include another deck.

Regardless of how many reviews you had when you pre-trained before – it sounds like you still shouldn’t expect full optimization until 1000 reviews, so just keep studying!