24.04 breaks dark mode on Mac

Version ⁨24.04 (429bc9e1)⁩
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1
MacOS: Sonoma 14.4.1

Just updated Anki on my Intel MBP 2019 and dark modes appears to be broken. When set to Follow System, it mainains light mode even if my system is set to dark. When changed to Dark, many of the elements remain light. Starting Anki in “safe mode” to disable all Add-Ons does not fix the issue. Screenshots attached.


I can’t seem to reproduce this on my machine here, but I don’t have the latest point update of Sonoma. I’ll try update later today, and see if that triggers it.

I can’t seem to reproduce this problem, even after updating to 14.4.1. Tried restarting your machine?

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Comfirm this problem.
Anki 24.04
macOS 12.7.4

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Can’t reproduce on M1 14.1.1

Is it a problem only on Intel chips?

I can confirm this as well.

Intel iMac - 13.6.5

Anki - 24.04 Qt6

Qt5 has the same issue.

Is your machine Intel or Silicon?

I have he same problem and I also have an Intel iMac.

Mine is also Intel.
MacBook Air (Early 2014) installed Monterey via Opencore Patcher.

I can also confirm.

MacBook Pro 2018, macOS 14.4.1, Intel.

Thank you for the reports; this should hopefully be fixed in the soon-to-come 24.04.1.


So for the time being we should revert back to the previous version or wait?

Yes, that’s correct.

Same issue on 2020 MacBook Air running Anki 24.04 on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1.

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