Wrong "overlapping version" error

either there is a bug in the add-on uploader on ankiweb, or there is an issue with the UI explanation, or I don’t know how to consider distinct intervals.

This is about add on https://ankiweb.net/shared/upload?id=3491767031

Clearly, there was an issue with the version numbers I added years ago. Okay, fine.

So I try to correct it.
Still, I get the error message.

I assume that the issue is that my branches are not correctly ordered. But I can’t delete branch, nor can I reorder them. So I don’t know what’s the solutions could be. Appart from:

  • removing the add-on entirely. (Probably a good idea)
  • lying about which version are supported. Because honestly, I don’t care about those versions that are so old
  • not update the add-on. (Actually, I don’t even want to update the add-on. Juste the text of the add-on page, to tell people to use HSSM’s addon )
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AnkiWeb didn’t properly validate the version ranges in the past. Either switching the versions of the first two branches, or deleting the add-on is going to be the most expedient fix.