When creating new cards, every 15-20 min the window goes out of focus and the main window of Anki (which shows the lists of the user’s decks) gets the focus, when a small popup appears very briefly, saying something like “creating save” (not sure about the exact traduction, but it is definitely not the same as the one that appears when synchronising the collection with Ankiweb). I think this happened when in other windows than the create cards one (for example the addon manager one) but either this popup appeared and my working window simply didn’t go out of focus or it regained focus immediately after the popup automatically closed, which the create cards doesn’t do. I don’t recall seeing this during review. Also this happened recently, even though I am still using Anki 24.11 (on Windows), and upgraded upon release with no change since then. I first thought of the save option in the Anki settings, but even after setting the auto-save to one every 2 hours the issue remained as frequently as before
Thanks to anyone who might try to help !
I also have been experiencing this issue with the “Creating backup” popup since a long time. But, I chose to ignore it even though it’s slightly annoying. It would be great if this could be fixed.
Aside from the focus switching issue, it sounds like your backups are taking too long to create. That can happen if your collection is particularly large, but there are also a few things on the Troubleshooting Checklist that might help – (2) Add-ons, (4) Check Database.