Why my anki doesn't open anymore?

I just installed Anki and it’s not opening.

  1. Startup Issues - Anki Manual (Windows)
  2. Troubleshooting - Anki Manual

When I’m not lazy I’ll do it and post it here so anyone wants to know a little bit. :neutral_face:

What’s happening with the anki? Is It no there other solution?

Is this the Anki version you are using?
I suggest you get the latest version from here: https://apps.ankiweb.net/

Did you check if any of these matches your problem description: Startup Issues - Anki Manual?

Try Debugging

Starting Anki from a terminal may reveal a bit more information about some errors. After installing the latest Anki version and ensuring all Windows updates are installed, instead of running Anki directly, use Start>Run and type cmd.exe. When a console window appears, type

cd \program files\anki & anki-console

Presumably Anki will fail to open like before, but it may reveal something about what is causing the problem.

Then copy and paste the output here (or just screenshot)

Does that command work for you? I saw it the other day and was confused – the syntax is foreign to me and it doesn’t work on my system. The only thing I can think is that it was meant to be 2 separate comands – changing directory, and then running the console – but then it’s outdated, because that’s not where Anki is installed by default anymore. I have this on my (growning) list of things to check and correct in the manual.

This command should work for that though, without changing directory.

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Guys, i finally solved the problem here. What i did was:
1.Uninstall Anki and restart the computer.
2.Download and install the 32 bits version (it worked to me and to my friend who gave me the suggestion)

This friend who gave me this suggestion said that Anki is not opening due to a kind of incompatibility with Nvidia GeForce graphics card.

I don’t understand any of these lines in Greek. Soon something here. Thanks!

If you’ve solved it, you don’t need to worry about trying any of the other suggestions.

Incompatibility with my notebook … Lack of updates and drivers… I already gave up when I saw that analyze caused even more problems.

There must be some other way, I need the most recent version.

Okay, then keep working toward another solution. Start by upgrade back to the current release and running by pasting this at a command prompt. post what the output is on that screen (in a preformatted/code-block, please)

Then there were several other suggestions above and it’s not clear whether you did any of them.

  1. Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.10240]
    (C) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C: \ USERS \ Ammy> C: \ Program Files \ Anki \ Anki.exe
‘C: \ Program’ is not recognized as an internal command
or external, an operable program or a lot file.

C: \ USERS \ Ammy>

  1. Download Anki for Windows 10/11 (24.06.3 Qt6). - Incorrect path: You may be typing the directory path the wrong way. - Adjust the command: Try to enter the full path and the name of the executable file, for example: C: \ Program Files \ anki \ anki.exe

  2. “C: \ Users \ Ammy \ Appdata \ Local \ Programs \ Anki” - “Anki Setup: Installation Folder”, I changed to “C: \ Program Files \ Anki” Error

  3. Editing the variables of the system.

Control Panel:

Open the control panel.
Look for “system”.
On system properties you will find an option for “Advanced System Settings”.
In the new window, go to the “Advanced” tab and click “Environment Variables” …

Command Prompt: Set + ENTER

Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.10240]
(C) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

AllusersProfile = C: \ Programdata
APPDATA = C: \ USERS \ AMMY \ Appdata \ Roaming
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = C: \ Program Files \ Common Files
COMMONPROGRAMFILES (x86) = C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files
COMMONPROGRAMW6432 = C: \ Program Files \ Common Files
Computerm = desktop-hl3806n
ComSpec = C: \ Windows \ System32 \ cmd.exe
Fps_browser_app_profile_string = internet explorer
Fps_browser_user_profile_string = default
HomeDrive = C:
HomePath = \ Users \ Ammy
LOCALPPDATA = C: \ USERS \ Ammy \ Appdata \ Local
LogoServer = \ desktop-hl3806n
Number_of_Processors = 2
OS = Windows_nt
Path = C: \ Windows \ System32; C: \ Windows; C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WBEM; .ACE \ Core-Static
PATHEXT = .com; .exe; .Bat; .CMD; .VBS; .VBE; .JS; .WSF; .W;
Processor_Architecture = AMD64
Processor_Dentifier = AMD64 Family 20 Model 2 Stepping 0, Authenticamd
Processor_level = 20
Processor_revision = 0200
PROGRAMDATA = C: \ Programdata
Programfiles = C: \ Program Files
Programfiles (x86) = C: \ Program Files (x86)
Programw6432 = C: \ Program Files
Prompt = $ P $ G
PSMODULEPATH = C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowershell \ V1.0 \ Modules
Public = c: \ users \ public
Sessionname = console
Systemdrive = C:
Systemroot = C: \ Windows
Temp = C: \ Users \ Ammy \ Appdata \ Local \ Temp
TMP = C: \ Users \ Ammy \ Appdata \ Local \ Temp
Userdomain = desktop-hl3806n
Userdomain_roamingprofile = desktop-hl3806n
Username = Ammy
Userprofile = C: \ Users \ Ammy
Windir = C: \ Windows

C: \ USERS \ Ammy>
(System variables)

Remember: By editing the environment variables, be careful not to change important values ​​that may affect the operation of your system. If you are unsure, back up the settings before making any changes.

Configure the environment variables:

Access Settings: Search by “Edit Environment Variables” in the Start menu.
Edit Path: In the “System Variables” section, find the Path variable and click Edit. Add the full path to the Anki folder (for example, C: \ Program Files \ Anki) at the end of the directory list, separating them by point and comma. Error

Changes in Environment Variables: By adding Anki’s path to Path, you are granting the operating system a new permission: the ability to find and execute the Anki program from any directory.

C: \ Program Files \ Anki

Windows Update

There were problems when installing some updates, but we will try again later. If you keep seeing this message and want to search on the web or ask for information to support, this may help:

Anki opened and went straight to the troubleshooter, but it didn’t open anyway. I don’t even know what I was doing. All good!

I don’t know what you were doing either, and I have no idea what you post above was about – but if you’re happy, I’m happy.

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I think most of us don’t know what you’re talking about most of the time.

I was saying “good luck” in Japanese. 頑張って!
