I have one card that is using some MathJax macros but for some reason they aren’t being rendered. Comparing against other, similar cards of the same note type, they all work just fine. I cannot for the life of me figure our why it renders wierdly.
The card is formatted as so:
Card Type: 1: Card 1: Front → Back
MathJax.config.tex['mathtools'] = {
pairedDelimiters: {
abs: ["\\left\\lvert", "\\right\\rvert", "#1", 1, "", ""],
ang: ["\\left\\langle", "\\right\\rangle", "#1", 1, "", ""],
len: ["\\left\\lvert", "\\right\\rvert", "#1", 1, "", ""],
mag: ["\\left\\lVert", "\\right\\rVert", "#1", 1, "", ""],
MathJax.config.tex['macros'] = {
rm: ["\\mathrm{#1}", 1],
bb: ["\\mathbb{#1}", 1],
d: "\\,\\rm{d}",
i: "\\imath",
j: "\\jmath",
R: "\\bb{R}",
dr: "\\d r",
ds: "\\d s",
dt: "\\d t",
dx: "\\d x",
dy: "\\d y",
dz: "\\d z",
dA: "\\d A",
bs: ["\\boldsymbol{#1}", 1],
bf: ["\\mathbf{#1}", 1],
dd: ["\\frac{ \\rm{d}^{#1} #2}{\\rm{d} #3 ^{#1}}", 3, ""],
pp: ["\\frac{\\partial #1}{\\partial #2}", 2],
alphabet: "\\Sigma",
eps: "\\varepsilon",
function: ["#1: #2 \\to #3", 3],
given: "\\mid",
lagrange: "\\mathcal{L}",
language: "\\mathscr{L}",
null: "\\varnothing",
powerset: "\\mathcal{P}",
if (typeof is_already_run == 'undefined') {
is_already_run = true
<hr id=answer>
Card Type: 2: Card 2: Back → Front
{{#Add Reverse}}{{Back}}{{/Add Reverse}}
<hr id=answer>
Front: \(\dA\) in Cartesian coordinates to polar
Back: \(r\dr\d\theta\)
Add Reverse: y
Viewing specifically card 2, I get
If someone could please tell me what’s up, I would greatly appreciate it.