Mathjax not rendering properly when reviewing cloze cards

I’ve been trying to make mathjax render properly while doing mathjax cards. For some reason, on some cloze cards (not all), it refuses to properly work and displays a string of words instead of a formula. This is true for both inline and block equations.

I’ve tried making spaces before and after, but that refuses to work.

I should note that I press on the equations button to visualize the code that I write down.

Here is the code I used: BSA = \sqrt \frac {\text{height (cm)}\cdot{\text {mass (kg)}}}{3600}

I’d greatly appreciate any help I get, thanks!

Here is an example of a card that workds perfectly fine:

The cloze marker is interpreting the double closing braces }} as the end of the cloze deletion. Try puttıng spaces between the closing braces that are part of the MathJax expression (not the cloze expression).

BSA = \sqrt \frac {\text{height (cm)}\cdot{\text {mass (kg)} } }{3600}
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I just tried this out and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much :))

Don’t you mean :} } ?

Punctuation humor – my day is complete!

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Took me a second to get it, haha! Pretty clever :grin:

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