For some reason while mathjax fractions show up fine while making a card, but they revert back to code on preview or my actual card?
Does anyone know what’s gone wrong and how to fix it?
For some reason while mathjax fractions show up fine while making a card, but they revert back to code on preview or my actual card?
Does anyone know what’s gone wrong and how to fix it?
It could be something your custom note type is colliding with – so make sure you look into that.
Generally though – mixing cloze and MathJax can be tricky. A couple things to check in the HTML view of the field (click < >
) –
and }}
are entirely outside your formula or entirely inside your formula.Danika has correctly identified the issue. The most probable cause is you used some function (like \text{}, \ce{}, \pu{} or similar) and within that you added your cloze, which can interfere with the closing of MathJax function (outlined in a previous post).
If you notice, you have ended each field in the MathJax with a backslash (). Now, when you invoke MathJax in Anki, you’re using (yourstuffhere). Combine the ending \ with the initial \ of the closing parenthesis for MathJax, you get an escaped backslash, thus resulting in your MathJax not being used.
Tip: If you ever see anything highlighted in red in the MathJax field, try to see what the system is trying to warn you about.
Initially, I thought that your problem was similar to the linked topic, but it seems that this is the only issue. Incase the problem still persists after removing the ending backslash, please read through that topic and see if it solves it. If even that fails, do inform us.