When setting up sync, all my cards got wiped

I have around 500 cards or so on the computer and I was trying to learn how to put the cards on my phone. I exported all my cards to the web version and I deleted them when I realized all my cards went on there. I just wanted to export 1. I deleted them and tried to delete “Default” but it wouldn’t delete. I read I needed to sync the two together. I clicked sync and all my cards are gone except “Default” remains on my computer… Those cards are pretty important to me, and I’m wondering if the data got rewritten or if they’re just marked as unoccupied space on my computer and I can recover them. Or anyway to reverse the process. Thank you in advance

Try checking this out: Backups - Anki Manual


Facing a similar issue

I’m sorry to hear that. The FAQ will get you quickly to instructions for restoring an automatic backup on any Anki version/OS – Restoring an Automatic Backup (Recovering from Data Loss) - Frequently Asked Questions .


Thank you very much! It worked :slight_smile:

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