Using anki as a question bank?


I have some pre-made cards that are in MCQ format (just question on the front with A-E with answers of the back with explanations).

I would like to be able to hit correct or not and my answers to be logged and give me an overall score. I’ve played around with flagging cards correct or incorrect but it’s not ideal.

I have other decks that I’m using so don’t want this to mess with those. Does anyone know of any add-ons or work arounds?


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Not possible currently and is out of scope of Anki since it is a Flashcard app

For any users that want to use MCQ templates/add-ons, see Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Templates

What do you mean by “logged”?

Just to be able to keep track of correct or incorrect to be able to work out an overall score like you might on an online question bank. As these cards are MCQ format I don’t want to be reviewing them just to see them once only.


I haven’t really used an online question bank before. Could you elaborate? I’m guessing that the online bank keeps track of not only how many times you got a card wrong, but also which answer choice you chose. For example, you got got CARD 1 wrong 50% of the time, and with the following choose breakdown: A: 2, B:1, C:0, D:1. Is that what your looking for? Or is there something else I am missing?

You are asking for functionality, which is not within the scope of Anki.

It sounds like you could build yourself a simple web page based off e.g. a SQLite database and write your own solution in an hour or two.

Would something like that work for importing the anki cards I already have in the “anki deck package” format?

If you want to import cards into Anki, then I’d use a spreadsheet; LibreOffice Calc is the best in this area, I believe. It is what I use.

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As someone who used past practice questions for exams, you will memorize them after 2-3 rounds of Filtered Decks (Custom Study), even if you shuffle them or study 24-1h before exams (you will get great grades if your teacher repeats questions/exams)

This reason is why you won’t “learn” the subject, only memorize:

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