Anki Cards Resetting on Their Own

Hello, I’ve been having an issue where a few cards reset themselves every day, as if I pushed wrong on them. I’m not sure what’s causing the problem. I’ve tried changing the deck settings, but that doesn’t seem to work or I’m just not doing it right. I do believe it’s related to deck settings since I didn’t have the issue before creating custom deck settings. Any help here would really be appreciated. Thank you!

Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 06.21.11

Can you show the “Card info” of a card where this happened?


Sure, thank you for helping out.

Have you checked your add-on settings? That can automatically fail a card for you.

But from this screen, it doesn’t seem like this card is resetting again and again for you. You are seeing this card after a 17 day interval. And when it last went to relearning, it had a 3 month long interval.

I’m not sure which add-on I’d check?

I never had the problem before creating this custom deck, which I use for more personal cards/ older decks that I just want to keep in my head; it had much lighter restrictions that the default deck option I use for my main cards.

I reckon Speed Focus.

You haven’t showed the filtered decks’ options.

Pretty sure, I showed the filtered deck, but here it is if I haven’t:

That could be a possibility. I installed speed focus at around the same time. How would that be causing the problem? There’s no way it could be from me leaving anki open, because I see these cards in the morning when I open anki. Like how are there red cards in the morning when I finished all my reviews the day before and I haven’t done any new ones that day?

Thanks for working through this with me.

These don’t look like they were reviewed in a Filtered/“Custom Study” deck, so presumably you mean a deck you made “custom” for yourself? In that case yes, you’ve posted the options we need to see. :+1:t4: [But you should fix your “minimum interval.”]

  1. Is this Card Info a good example of the problem you’re asking about? Can you explain what you mean by the card appearing to reset every day? If it is that there are cards being counted in red when you start in the morning – you’ve got multi-day learning/relearning steps, so that seems like it would be expected.

  2. Are these the Deck Options for the deck the card is actually in (3.1-3.4 Nutrition), or the deck you are clicking to study (2. self education)?

  3. Do you sync multiple devices through AnkiWeb? Are you strict about making sure you sync when you open the app and when you close/leave the app, on every device, every time?

  4. Do you also have an add-on that’s modifying the Card Info, the display at least? If you have another card that’s a better example you can post, please disable that add-on before taking a screenshot, so that we can see the unedited display.

When you respond, please also paste what you get from Help > About > Copy debug info.

Yes. I mean a custom deck I made for myself. What should I change for the minimum interval? Make it 6d?

  1. So, yes that was one of the cards that was red when I logged on in the morning. What is multi-day learning/relearning. Where can I change that?

For example, I just logged on for today and this is what I have due:

  1. Yes, they both use the same deck option, I made sure of it. The deck I was in, is just a subdeck of self-education.

  2. Yes, I use multiple devices. Very rarely, I forget to sync it when using it on mobile since that doesn’t auto-sync, but generally I always sync it. (But for example, I didn’t use it on mobile yesterday, and still have red cards).

  3. I’m not sure what you mean by this. I have disabled all my add-ons and took a screenshot of a card that has the issue for you.

and the relearning steps for that card when I tap the button:

Screenshot 2024-08-11 at 06.07.33

Here is another one:


I don’t know how to grab the debug info for you. I’m on mac, I’ve googled around but can’t seem how to find it. This is all I was able to manage:

<no output>
<no output>
<no output>
>>> pp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "aqt.debug_console", line 294, in onDebugRet
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: pprint() missing 1 required positional argument: 'object'


Your learning and relearning steps have delays of > 1d

Do you think this is what’s causing the problem? What do you recommend changing it to?

At least. This will be after you’ve already gotten the lapsed card correct after a 6d interval, so 1d definitely doesn’t make sense.

You have learning steps of 1d and 6d and a relearning step of 6d, those are the “multi-day learning/relearning steps” I was talking about. So, that’s the answer then – your card didn’t reset on its own – it didn’t reset at all. It’s just still in the Learn/Relearn state.

Based on the options you’ve chosen, it stays there for multiple days, and pops up again in that red counter when it is ready to be studied. Those 3 cards that were on the red counter this morning were cards that were introduced or lapsed already, and they are just ready to be studied again.

It’s not really a problem – Anki is doing exactly what you told it to do. Presumably, you had a reason for choosing the learning/relearning steps you did. But make sure you understand how cards flow through the Studying process.

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