"Use a proper email"

When I register with my email which ends with ‘@myself.com’, it tells me that I need to use a proper email. However, my email is reputable, from a well-known website.

Thank you in advance.

Several review sites confirm that the domain is valid.

I tried to register myself just now with Anki, and got the same message.

Addendum: I used an @myself.com fake address.

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AnkiWeb uses a public list of temporary email providers, and this provider appears to be on that list. I’ve made a note to remove it in the next update, but that will take a while, so I’d recommend you use a different email address in the mean time.

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How long will it take approximately?

List of free email providers:
6 Most Popular Email Providers Better Than Gmail and Yahoo Mail (makeuseof.com)

Could be weeks.

Please also allow snkmail.com.
It’s only been around for 20+ years.
It’s the reason I get zero spam mail.

https://protonmail.com/ and https://tutanota.com/ are great alternative for privacy and security (both are Open Source)

Source: Private Email Providers | PrivacyTools