I installed v24.06.3 but due to user preferences decided to downgrade it back to an older version. The newest v24.06.3 version, as it appears, is still installed on my computer. In light of space-saving considerations, is there a way to uninstall the newest version (e.g. from file explorer) while retaining the downgraded version? The downgraded version works fine, but the overall program still labels to be v24.06.3 on the program list.
Thank you so much, the question was a little hard to word, I hope it’s still understandable.
What version did you downgrade to? Recent versions should all install by default in the same location [I know it’s %LocalAppData%\Programs\Anki on Windows – possibly /Applications on MacOS]. So you wouldn’t be able to have 2 versions installed at the same time unless you installed the older version in another location.
To 2.1.49 for the old UI, and I’m able to open both versions simultaneously on my computer (Windows). Thanks for the response though, I appreciate it.
It sounds like you have both of them installed. It doesn’t hurt anything, but you should feel free to uninstall the one you don’t want.
Why? That’s a few years old at this point. If you’re trying to match the interface in an old tutorial/video – that’s not going to benefit you in the long run. You’d be better off with a more recent version and you can ask questions here about anything you’re looking for that you can’t find.
I wasn’t able to uninstall the newest version, but otherwise it wasn’t too big an issue, thank you for your help
Not too relevant but to answer your question, I hadn’t updated Anki since I first started using it a few years back, and only had the thought to try the newest version a few days ago. The new UI was jarringly different, looked clumsy/the font doesn’t work for me despite the minimalistic view, it’s not worth the effort fixing all the font sizes from the decks I made, or adapting to it with add-ons while I really just wanted to get on with my studies, so I do appreciate the changes the developers have made! Just that tweaking the newest UI to suit my older preferences wasn’t the top of my priority right now, thank you though for your replies.