Uninstall the software

one month ago, I had my laptop upgraded to have an SSD hard. As a result, Windows moved to the new drive and my lovely Anki was uninstalled. However, the information is existing yet.

In addition, Unfortunately, I did not synchronize or got a backup of the data beforehand.

I would greatly appreciate it if you guide me.

If you’re asking how to manually copy Anki’s data from the old drive, please see Managing Files - Anki Manual

I used the older version of Anki.
So what do I do with the “Anki” or “Documents” folder?

please help me. It was all I had to improve my English language.

If you used a very old version of Anki, your data files will be in your Documents/Anki folder. But chances are they are in the location mentioned in the link I posted above.

Dear Dae,

Thank you for your support.

But, I could not do that since my app on the computer was uninstalled.
So, would you please receive my Anki files to deal with them (384 Mb).

I would greatly appreciate if you could do this because I tried all ways on the link above and I’ve become a little bit confused with them.

Best regards,

I can’t receive your files, but if you list the filenames here (eg with a screenshot), then we should be able to tell you what version of Anki they are for.

The list of files that I have from the uninstalled Anki.

Your Anki data will be normally in the C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Anki2 folder. If all data were moved to the D drive, that should be D:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Anki2. Did you search there?

The files you’ve shown are Anki’s program data, not your card data. Your card data is stored in the folder @abdo mentioned.

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