Trouble with Learning a New Deck

Hi! I have made a batch of brand new cards in a new deck which belongs to the system deck. There are 112 cards in total. I set the upper limit for learning new cards in the current deck to 12 per day and the upper limit for reviewing new cards to 24 per day. However, I find that this deck simply cannot be learned. When I click into the deck, it shows that the learning limit has been reached.

So I made the following attempts:

1. In custom settings, I set the upper limit of learning cards today in the learning options to 9999. The page shows that the number of sub-cards in the deck is 112, but the number of available new cards is still 0. The total number of learning cards in my other decks does not exceed 9999.
2. I set the number of new cards to learn in this deck to 24 and the review number to 240. But this has no effect in enabling me to learn this deck.

I’m really confused. Why can’t this deck be learned? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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The total number of learning cards in my other decks does not exceed 9999.

the learning limit has been reached.

“Learning Cards” and “learning limit”. Check your Learn Ahead limit on Preferences and check your learning steps on each deck settings.

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I think this would be much easier to figure out if you could show us a screenshot of how your decks are arranged/nested. Then we can talk about which decks are in the same Options preset, and which are using different Options presets.

Also: are those 112 cards unsuspended?


Thanks for your advice, I’ll check each item as you described!

I truly appreciate your suggestions and will give it a shot after reviewing the cards.

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