New Card limit not working


This has happened a couple of times but the deck will say I have reached the new card limit but my limit for all decks is set to 9999. It’s been the same two cards that have been the gray +2 when I go to study the deck. I have bury new siblings turned off, and it even won’t let me study them when I do the custom study to learn new cards ahead. How do I get it to show me the new cards?


Also if I unsuspend other new cards it will let me study those but not the other two

There are other reasons you might not be getting New cards –

  • Do you have more New cards in that deck that are not suspended (and not buried)?
  • Is your New card limit being capped by another limit – a Review limit, or a parent deck?
  • You said “for all decks” – but are you sure? There’s no decks that escaped into a different preset?

How do you know it’s the same 2?

I don’t have any at the moment but when I just unsuspend a new card in that deck it lets me study it but not those to. Both my new card limit and review card limit are at 9999 and that is for all decks. And I know it’s the same two cards cause I searched for cards that were unsuspended and new and those are the only two cards that pop up (for today and yesterday).

This doesn’t sound like an issue with the limits.

I think you should look at what’s going on with those 2 cards. Are they being buried? Are they actually in a different deck? Why aren’t they showing up for study.

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