Tool for Extracting Images and Creating Anki Flashcards from PDFs?

Hi Anki Community, yeah i know this Qn has been asked 1000+ times. but…

I’m looking for a tool that can help me extract images from a PDF and create flashcards with each image on the front and the entire page (or relevant text) on the back. I understand that a single page can contain multiple graphics, and for each graphic, I want to use the whole page as the answer.

While I realize that this may lead to some answers being visible on subsequent cards during review, I believe this is acceptable after the first run.

I’m aware of Python libraries like PyMuPDF and pdf2image that could potentially help with this task. Additionally, I plan to use AI to extract any non-answer text to include on the front along with the graphic and question. If there’s no relevant text, I will have the AI draft a typical case.

I wanted to check if there are any existing tools or scripts that can:

  1. Extract individual images from a PDF.
  2. Capture the entire page as an image or extract relevant text.
  3. Generate a CSV for Anki with the correct formatting.

Any recommendations or insights would be greatly appreciated!



doesn’t look like it can process images? medical imagings.

i saw in youtube someone made it but doesn’t think he/she shared it.
may be i could contact him/her.


Is this a pdf file of a textbook? Or is it something that you manually created?
If it’s a textbook and the page layout changes across pages, then this usecase you have might be a bit too broad, almost bordering on having some sort of an AI-tool or AI-layer because you want to extract different things from different pages.

I had a usecase where I made pdf note files with images, etc and wanted to automatically extract flashcards from these files and push it to Anki in such a way that the top half contained the question and the bottom half contained the answer. And for this, I built a tool called NotesAnkify to extract the images, process it into question-answer cards and push it directly to Anki.
Can take care of duplicates as well.
It has different processing modes where it can process different pages based on dimensions or based on question-answer keywords.

You can check it out and see if it works for you:
NotesAnkify Documentation - NotesAnkify Documentation
NotesAnkify - Flashcard Template

Relevant reddit post: Reddit - Dive into anything

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ok will check out, thanks.

my case is mostly a medical imaging book pdf.