The words, meanings, and pronunciations are correctly entered, but the registered meanings are not displayed in the answer.
It sounds like one of the fields of your note isn’t showing up on the answer side of your cards when you study? That might be a simple as adding a {{field replacement}} for that field to where you want it on your card templates – Field Replacements - Anki Manual . But we can’t really give you specifics without knowing more about your note type.
If you need specific help, we need –
- A list of the fields of your note (screenshot is fine).
- Describe what field isn’t showing up, and where you want it.
- Your card templates – Front, Back, and Styling – as text (not a screenshot), and in a
code/preformatted text block
[put 3 backticks above and below,
or select it from the forum editing menu]
Thank you for reaching out. I am attaching files
. I would appreciate it if you could identify the cause.
You got 1 out of 3. We’ll need a bit more.
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