The words are not shown in my ANKI

Could you help me, the words to study are not shown in the first part of my anki.
I use Anki on my pc.
Thanks for you help in advance,

It looks like you are using a modified version of a type-your-answer note type.

When you’re just starting out, you might want to stick with the simplest note types “Basic” or “Basic (and reversed card)” – Getting Started - Anki Manual .

If you want to keep using this type-your-answer note type, you’ll have to fix the card templates to show what you want to show. You can –

  • Update the templates yourself – Field Replacements - Anki Manual
  • Use Change Note Type to switch your notes to the default version of this note type – Browsing - Anki Manual
  • Post your front and back templates here – as text in a code/preformatted block, please – along with your list of fields, and someone can help you figure out what is wrong

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