The "Find and Replace" feature is not working correctly. Only the text (includes html tag) in the first selected note out of several selected can be replaced."

It only replaces text in the first selected note out of several selected notes.
I’m trying to replace the text that contains html tag <br>" with "<br>, essentially moving a single double-quote character to the end of the previous line. However, it only works for the first selected note and not for the rest. Is there any solution to this problem?

A: "Did you stop playing tennis when it started to rain?
"B: “{{c1::No, we carried on playing.}}”


A: “Did you stop playing tennis when it started to rain?”
B: “{{c1::No, we carried on playing.}}”

Can you post the HTML view of this field for one of the notes that it isn’t working on?

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Here is the html view.

Anyway, I manually moved the double quotes. It took some time to process a couple of hundred notes, but it’s no longer relevant.

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