Tags non trouvés dans les sessions personnalisées

Bonjour !
J’ai besoin d’aide concernant les révisions personnalisées sur Anki (que ce soit ankiweb, ou AnkiDroid, je rencontre le même problème).

J’ai plusieurs tags qui sont inaccessibles lorsque je veux faire une session personnalisée. Pourtant dans la recherche de cartes, je vois bien que ces tags existent. Mais quand je veux réviser, ils n’apparaissent pas. Certains tags sont disponibles et sélectionnables, mais les autres non ! Cela concerne uniquement quelques tags que j’ai créé récemment pour de nouvelles cartes.
Pourtant, ankiweb et ankidroid sont bien synchronisés (j’ai fait le test).

A noter : quand je crée un paquet filtré sur ces tags, le paquet est bien créé et les cartes sont disponibles.
Mais comment puis-je faire pour réviser ces cartes via leur paquet principal, en mode “session personnalisée” ?

Merci beaucoup d’avance pour votre aide !!

Filtered decks and Custom Study are essentially the same thing – Filtered Decks - Anki Manual. With Custom Study you are limited to a menu of specific options, but the deck that gets created (if one gets created) is the same as a Filtered deck. So if you’ve already pulled the cards matching that tag into a Filtered deck, you can’t also pull them into a Custom Study deck.

If that’s not the issue, and you tried the Custom Study first, while the cards were still in their main deck –

  • When it worked in a Filtered deck, what was the exact text of the filter?
  • If the tags aren’t showing up in the list of available options for Custom Study – are you looking in the right deck?

Hello, thank you so much for your reply !

In my case, it’s your second option : I tried the Custom Study first while the cards were still in their main deck. I checked, and my latest card (created with the new tags, the ones that aren’t showing when I want to create a Custom Study from the deck) are all in the same deck named Medecine.

When I then tried to create a Filtered Deck just to see if the tags exist there, it worked, I used the tag “rhumato” and the resulting deck is called “Filtered deck 20:18”. It’s my only Filtered deck, as I never tried this before.

But when I want to do a Custom Study from the main deck “Medecine”, I can’t select my latest tags simply because the list doesn’t offer them for selection. Where did they go ? ^^’
My older tags are showing in the selection list, and there is no problem with them.

I hope my request is valid and understandable,
Again thank you so much for your help.

What I was asking about was the search filter that you used to make your deck –

When you look at the Options for the Filtered deck, is it tag:rhumato, is it tag:rhumato deck:Medecine, or is it something else?

Oops, sorry for the misunderstanding.

The search filter is indeed “Tag:Rhumato”.

Change that filter to tag:rhumato deck:Medecine instead. What happens when you rebuild it?

I did it, and it didn’t work at first. It made me realise that was because somehow, my new cards (with those new tags) weren’t saved in the Medecine deck but in another one.

Hence, if people come across this topic with the same issue : I recommend to try and move the cards in the required deck (even if you’re sure that they’re already there ^^'). It might work as it did for me…!

Thank you so much @Danika_Dakika for your help and patience. Have a great day !

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