Syncing error when changing note type


I have a large Japanese deck (~12 000 card) and I want to change the note type.
My template now contains two cards (jap → eng and eng → jap).
My approach is selecting all cards → Notes → change Note type → and at the bottom change Card 1 to (Nothing).
It then says I need to fully upload my database to AnkiWeb

So far so good

At first this does what it should (removing all Cards 1). But when I try to sync (Upload to AnkiWeb) it undos my changes and the Card 1 cards reappear in Browsing.
This also happens if I just click on another deck and then click on the deck in question again. The Card 1 cards are there again.

Any ideas how to solve this issue? I searched in the forums and in the User Manual but couldn’t find a solution, feel free to correct me though if this was already discussed.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Are you using Change Note Type to change to the same note type?

Your method will work if you want to destroy all of those Card 1s, and delete their review history. But Anki will simply recreate those Card 1s, because it still has instructions (card types/templates) to do so. It’s not the sync that is doing it per se, it’s the note type itself.

Can you tell us what your ultimate goal is here? Maybe we can find a more effective way to get you there.

So my goal is to delete all card 1s.
But your response already cleared it up for me. Thanks I found a solution :slightly_smiling_face:

If you are interested in what I thought: I thought that by change card type–> change template and then selecting nothing for card 1 I could keep the Note type intact but just for that deck make card1 empty. I then realised that I don’t need card1 in any deck so I just deleted the card from the note type, otherwise I would have just copy pasted card2 into a new note type.

Yeah, just had the wrong perspective, thanks!

I’m glad you got it straightened out.

Yes, to permanently get rid of Card 1, you need to delete that card type from your note type. If you wanted to delete it for some notes and not others, your options would be – to suspend Card 1 instead of deleting it – or to clone your note type, delete the card type, and then Change Note Type to that new note type.

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