Hi there, I am new to Anki and have recently purchased the mobile version. I have just realised that on desktop I have both the application and AnkiWeb. I was asked which way I want to synchronise. I use the desktop application because I can browse through the cards within a deck which I don’t seem to be able to when I go to Ankiweb. However you seem to require Ankiweb if you want to sync with Anki mobile. The idea of synchronising both desktop and app I find very annoying.
How I currently go about it: I work with the desktop application. Then sync the changes to Ankiweb and then sync my mobile to get the updates from Ankiweb. That’s so confusing, especially when I don’t see the amount of content within a deck (on AnkiWeb + mobile) to confirm that each device has the same amount of cards within a deck.
So my question:
Is this currently the best way to go about it or how do you go about it?
Thank you!