Supporting typst in cards

As you know, you can use Latex to include math in anki cards. WIth the release of typst this year, I think that it might be interesting to add support for it. Indeed, typst syntax is really easy to read and to write (you can see examples on typst. app).

Furthermore, typst is fully open-source and really fast to compile, written in rust. A discord bot to easily format typst code has been made and is available here : github. com/mattfbacon/typst-bot , it might help to implement this since that its generation might be similar.


It looks a bit too new to consider supporting yet, and the pdf-only output would likely be problematic. But it will be interesting to see how it evolves over time.


Typst devs are considering to add HTML support, besides web version of Typst supports “HTML canvas” output, so, maybe not now, but it’s technically possible to implement Typst for Anki cards.

Markdown support is one of the most requested feature, but Typst provides way more powerful capabilities; it would be really cool if you considered support of Typst in the future, omitting Markdown.

SVG (and PNG) output is now supported, with more formats on the way (see the roadmap).

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