Support for Vocabulary decks for Arabic, NT Greek, Hebrew, and TEFL

Please reply to this thread with any corrections or recommendations for the following decks.

  • English Grammatical Terms required for TEFL
  • Vocabulary from A New Arabic Grammar by Haywood and Nahmad
  • Vocabulary from Basics of Biblical Hebrew
  • Vocabulary from Elements of New Testament Greek, 3rd edition

Thank you

Hi there,

I’m wanting to have flashcard sets for individual chapters of Duff’s “Elements of New Testament Greek.” It looks to me like the individual chapters don’t already exist here on Anki. I’m new to the platform, however, so wanted to check if this is correct?

I’ve had a go at importing chapter decks from Quizlet, and sharing them here, which seems to have worked. I’d love to be able to share that with my language learning class. Am I either:

a) wasting time because it’s already been done here, or

b) running into copyright issues? As far as I’m aware, creating a set of vocab flashcards is not a breach of copyright…

Any help is much appreciated,


I can only see some vocabulary cards on Quizlet for Elements of New Testament Greek. Is that what you mean? If so, just use my Anki deck Vocabulary from Elements of New Testament Greek, 3rd edition, which is already available.

If you mean that you have created decks about the grammar or exercises for Elements of New Testament Greek, then please post a link, so that I can see what you mean.

If you are only sharing vocabulary, as is done in my deck mentioned above, there should be no issue, as far as I understand it. Sharing more than that, however, might put you in breach of copyright.

If I use your list, will I be introduced to the vocab in a similar order to how it appears in the book? As in, I’m able to be introduced to vocab from Chap 4 before vocab from chap 5?

Yes. It is all set up by chapter. In fact, if you wish to study for an exam, for example, you can filter by chapter. Each entry is tagged like this: “New_Testament_Greek Koine_Greek Duff Wenham Duff_Chap10”. As you can see, in the example given, the word ὧδε is given; the English translation is also given ‘here’; and also the pronunciation is given in an English-friendly system devised by the Society of Biblical Literature (hōde). The cards are reversible, such that you are asked for the English translation of the Greek, and then later you are asked for the Greek translation of the English.

Also, if you wanted, you could created a filtered deck with e.g. vocabulary from only the first four chapters.

Oh that’s excellent. Thanks for your help, Matt.