Super-/subscript Shortcut Mac not working

Hi the shortcuts for superscript and subscript do not work on my MacBook Air since the new version. What’s going on how can I fix it. When hovering over the icons in the edit view it sais I need to use the cmd + = shortcut. I have a German Mac. Version: Version ⁨24.06.3 (d678e393)⁩
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1

Older versions used to work. Other shortcuts work normally. Anyone knows how to fix it?

Just found out that cmd + ‘+’ works for Superscript but the description when hovering over the button shows the wrong shortcut cmd + = instead of +. Still no clue how to do subscript.

This sounds like it could be a keyboard layout issue. For some shortcuts, you’ll need use the keys you would press on a standard English layout, even if those keys do something else on your layout.

Other ideas I’ve tried on another layout – Inconsistent keyboard shortcuts on Turkish-Q layout .

The hover text doesn’t change based on your keyboard layout.

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