In all the decks that I currently use to learn languages, I have a leech threshold of 4 and I retire my cards manually after an interval of 90 days. My point being, would FSRS be useful in this context where cards are purposefully not meant to have a long existence within my decks? I am only thinking to use it to avoid Ease Hell currently. Would it gather the necessary data to adapt to my ability to understand the language gradually, despite the erasure of cards and retirement of cards?
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I think FSRS is probably useful in any context where you’re trying to study your cards more efficiently.
In your case, if you’re going to those lengths (low leech threshold, low retirement threshold) as a solution to a “because otherwise I would have too many Reviews to do” situation – you might be able to ditch those procedures and limitations and just use FSRS to schedule your cards better intstead.
Better scheduling for harder cards can mean fewer lapses, so you won’t have as many leeches. Better scheduling for easier cards can mean they get to longer intervals faster, so you don’t need to retire them because you’ll barely be spending any time on them.
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Okay. Thanks for the reply
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