Sequential displaying of the answer?

As a basic user, I might ask a very obvious question. If so, my apologies.

Is there any way for displaying the answer in a sequential way?
Depending on the types of deck, it could be line by line (for poetry for instance), or word by word (for a foreign language), or even character by character.

I’m already using cloze add-ons or writing answer, but it’s different.

Each card should test a small amount of knowledge. There are add-ons that can help you create multiple cards from a poem.

For instance, one that does pretty much what you ask is LPCG. By default, it only provides a line-by-line feature, but it’s quite easy to modify it to work word-by-word, or just any chunk by any chunk.

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Well… Thank you to both of you.
But no.

I know a bit of mnemonic principles. Amount of info, sleep, food, flash cards, spaced repetitions, context, structure, memory palace, synesthesia, visualization, etc. etc.

I’m already using cloze add-ons or writing answer, but it’s different.

LPCG is one them. I already use it. Among others.

I am really looking for what I have described. Not for an advice to do otherwise.

Even with LPCG, in some cases and specific situations, I would find very useful to have a progressive displaying of the answer. With, let’s imagine, L key for each line (and W word, C character, less useful probably, unless maybe for poetry in a foreign language for word by word, and in a different “alphabet” for character by character?).
When I see how damn sophisticated some add-ons are, this feature seems quite simple. And I must confess that I thought it could have native and I was missing it.

Written answers are another solution. I use that. Pretty similar, but still different on some (obvious :slight_smile: points.

I’m sorry but I really though LPCG was an exact match. Could you maybe add more details, or provide an example of what you want? Because I can’t see the difference between that and what LPCG provides.

Sorry for being that - and too - long for answering. And thank you for your answer.

An example?

Well… If we stay with LPCG, let’s say you chose 3 lines to recite. In some cases you might want to kind of “double check” your answer.
If you get the 3 lines at once, you may not be completely sure it is exactly what you said or thought.
Or because, that time, when you usually don’t; you want to check the punctuation.

The only alternative I’ve found is the written answer, with a green/red highlight on correct/wrong part.

I’m not sure this is exactly an example.

What I’m looking for is just a way to be able to check precisely and without any doubt the answer when that answer is longer than a couple of words.

And no, shorter answers would not be relevant. It would be something different.


What you want is a “type-in” card, where you are asked to actually type the answer, and then it’s compared with the actual answer, so you can really check whether it was 100% correct or not. Turns out, you can do that quite easily with LPCG (even though it’s not an out-of-the-box feature) — I actually did it myself some time ago: create a new note type cloned from the LPCG one, and modify it to generate type-in cards as explained in the doc. Then, you can simply change the note type for every note generated with LPCG for which you want to actually type in the answer.

Thank you.
Yep :slight_smile: and no :frowning:
My fault. My answer was far from being crystal clear… Sorry.

I already use “type-in” cards.
I’m looking for an alternative to this way of checking the answer, without having to type the answer.
I’m inclined to think the best way to do that would be to display the answer progressively. Like with a book, when you use a piece of paper to hide the text and move this piece of paper to the right, or down, to show the underneath text progressively.
So, each time you press a certain key (let’s say L), you display one Line (for example in the same situation as above, with LPCG).
And if a little more sophisticated, when you wanna display one Character at a time, you press C. Word, W.

If the character pattern is possible, I might be able to manage the Line and Word ones. I guess with space character and paragraph mark. It should not be that difficult, even for me :slight_smile:

Ah! I finally got it :wink: that is totally achievable in JavaScript, although I personally find it painful to code in JavaScript so I’ll just leave it as an exercise to the reader :sweat_smile:
I think you could even achieve this yourself in a couple of hours if you never touched javascript before, by reading through the docs (JS is very well documented, and what you’re trying to do can be achieved with very elementary code).

BlackBeans, thank you for your help.

But indeed, I’ve never touched JS.
So, from scratch… I’m not so sure :thinking:
Adapting an existing code more or less resembling would probably be more compliant with my limited coding skills.

If a kind soul passing by could give a hand, I would certainly not refuse it.