Review count for a deck on home page not the same as review count when I click the deck

I’ve disabled add-ons, updated Anki, changed around some settings, and still the review count will display a green ‘83’ for a deck but then be a green ‘0’ when I click the deck. It will say (+83) in gray when I click the deck, so I am guessing those reviews on the home page are the buried siblings, but is there any way I can have the review count on my home page be exactly accurate, that way I don’t need to individually click on decks to see if I have reviews? Or are we supposed to be doing the buried review siblings too even if we chose the setting of burying review siblings?

Additionally, is there any way to prevent cards from becoming reviews during the day? Basically I would like the number I see at the start of the next day to steadily decrease over the day and not flucutate as cards become reviews due to their intervals.

Do you have any display modifying add-ons that might be impacting what you’re seeing on the main Decks screen? Try disabling those.

The difference between that screen and the deck overview screen is intentional (Studying - Anki Manual), but at the end of the day, when there are only buried cards left, the main Decks screen should show you 0.

Review cards (green) will only be seen once, so they will not be re-added to the count later in the day. Are you talking about Learn cards (red)?

Cards in learning (introduced as New) and relearning (lapsed from Review) can be seen multiple times in a day based on your learning/relearning steps. What are your learning/relearning steps (in your Deck Options)?

Are you asking to only study them once per day? Or for them not to disappear from and return to the red counter in between their steps?

Thank you so much for responding! Unfortunately I disabled all add ons and I am still facing the below conundrum as seen in my images of my home page and then the deck home page. In regards to my second inquiry, I would like cards from the red counter to not move to the green counter in the same day, if that is possibly what’s happening.

That screenshot helps! You’re not done with your studying day yet, so those cards haven’t been buried yet. Once you study the rest of those Learn cards, those Review siblings will be buried, but until then they are still Due today and 96 is the right number to show you. Deck Options - Anki Manual

I don’t think that’s what is happening, because I don’t think it’s possible. Cards that graduate to Review today will not be scheduled for any sooner than tomorrow.

However, while you are going through these 76 Learn cards, if you decide to bury some of them instead of studying them today – their Review siblings that are slated to be buried will back on the agenda for today. They would switch from gray to green on the deck overview screen.

If you want to see that in action, go to the Browse window and search for is:learn -rated:1 (in Learn, but not yet studied today). Select 20 of them and Suspend or Bury them. Now what does your Due (green) counter and potential buried (gray) look like? [When you’re done with this experiment – Edit > Undo will put you back where you need to be.]

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Thank you so, so much for this help!

I currently have ‘Bury review siblings’ enabled. Would you say it’s a bad idea to also ‘Bury new siblings’ or ‘Bury interday learning siblings’?

Thank you,

Not a bad idea at all. I think all 3 bury settings are great, and I keep them turned on in all of my presets. But it’s definitely personal preference – whether you want to see sibling cards on the same day at all, and if there are certain situations you want to limit that to. I know that I never want to see them, so it’s an easy answer.

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Okay, so you don’t think this cutting down of daily cards makes a significant impact on my learning/memory?

I think that having 76 cards in Learn/Relearn has a much more serious impact. If you look at how burying works (in the last link), the most sensitive cards are given priority – but it’s still up to you to clear those cards out of the way.

Hi Danika,

Thank you so much for this and for your continued help. From what you have previously said, I understand that doing learning cards will help reduce any buried cards that appear as reviews. If I have no reviews listed for a deck but there are learning cards (as shown in attached image), am I correct in my understanding that it would be in my best interest to clear those/have 0 learning cards left for that deck at least one time as soon as possible, and then I can fully trust whatever numbers I still see in the red counter or green counter?

Thank you,

You should finish studying all of your Learn/Relearn (red) cards every day. “Finish” means study them as many times as your learning/relearning steps require, until you get them correct enough times that they graduate to Review (and get scheduled to another day).

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