I imported a CSV file using HTML support and “allow HTML in fields” checkbox was enabled in the importing process.
This is an example of the rows: "1. Leer un archivo CSV con datos de ventas, calcular la media de ventas por producto.";"import pandas as pd<br>data = pd.read_csv('ventas.csv')<br>media_ventas = data.groupby('producto')['ventas'].mean()<br>print(media_ventas)"
As you can see in the example, there is also no leading space before the quotation mark and <br> is used as line breaks. Yet, the reverse side is understood as one line of monospaced text for some reason (screenshot on imgur: J5352bF).
This is because you are using a type-answer field on your card – looks like only on the back, so it isn’t showing up correctly as a type-answer either. Those fields strip out all formatting.
You should be able to find that on your card templates – Field Replacements - Anki Manual . Remove the type: so you have a regular field replacement. (You might also consider renaming this note type to accurately describe what it is – if it doesn’t already.)
You can, but you’ll have to fix your type-answer, because it’s not working now. Follow the instructions I linked to fix that. (Or if you need more specific help, post your front and back templates – as text in a preformatted/code-block, please)
Then after all that on your back template you can add another normal field replacement for whatever your answer field is called.