Repeating old cards


I am very bad in repeating cards, which were learned a long time ago. I am doing 50 old learned cards per day, but about 40 fail. I would prefer to repeat the first 20 failed cards until I know them again, but Anki is going on with number 21 and so on until number 50. It is really hard for me to relearn 40 cards at once.

How to adjust parameters to have a better experience?

Best regards

you can limit the amount of cards to filter when using filtered decks. Then once you are done i.e. you graduated all lapsed cards you can rebuilt the deck (clicking 1 button).



Thanks for the answer!

Sorry, I don’t understand at which stage and with which “search” the filtered deck should be made. Should it be made before I start repeating my normal procedure?
Can you please describe the process in more detail, as I am older and not english.

Here is the manual section about filtered decks.
If you don’t want to filter any deck in particular you can use: is:due and order by oldest seen first.

Another approach would be just limiting the quantity of daily reviews in the deck settings group.

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Yes, I have read the manual before.

Here is what I want:
Repeating and - in case of failing -re-learning 50 old cards.
I start and after failing 20 I want to start re-learning the first 20 failed cards before seeing the next old cards. After succeeding in re-learning of let’s say one or three cards - and only after this success - I want to see the next one or three of the remaining 50 cards.
At moment all 50 cards due for the day are shown first before relearning of the first failed 20 cards starts.

in the general preferences -> scheduling tab -> check the checkbox labeled “Show learning cards with larger steps before reviews”.

In the deck group settings: :gear:-> Reviews tab -> Maximum reviews/day-> set it to 20 or lower.

Once you get only cards in relearning that are not still due, you can Custom study -> increase today’s review card limit by 2 or 3

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It is likely that:

  • you are drowning in a huge backlog and
  • you need 2 more learning steps

Can you provide pictures for options and Preferences?
? Anki version?

Version 2.1.29 (bbff62bf)
Python 3.8.0 Qt 5.14.1 PyQt 5.14.1

Well, I have done all 9045 cards now (many months 20-30 minutes a day), but it seems I have forgotten many of them. The algorithm does not work properly for retired oldies like me.

Best regards

“I have done all 9045 cards.” What does it mean?
Can you show your 1 month retention charts called “Answer buttons…”.
Note: i didn’t get the rest of the option tabs.

“Anki does not work ,”
Default options are not optimal for everyone and need to be adjusted – based on Anki feedback for the Retention rate.

  • Change the preference option from 20 to zero ( it affects the Relearning cards, too.

PS. Do not update Anki version for a few months.
See you later Today ?

Thank you for your answer. I have changed the option to zero.

Why not update versions? So far, I always tried to have the newest versions because the addons are improving all the time.

Since add-ons nowadays not always get updated right away, they may stop working ( after newest Anki release ) and there is nothing you can do. Also, they never tested enough before being released.

EDIT: b Glutanimate: “If you are using a lot of add-ons, it’s usually best to hold off for a bit before updating. These recent Anki releases have come with some fantastic improvements, but that’s sometimes at the cost of breaking some add-ons.”

9045 cards are no longer in status “learning”=young but “learned”=old.

Maximum reviews/day-> set it to 20 or lower.

I am afraid that is not exactly what I want.
When reviews fail I want to repeat failed reviews before review more than 20.

Ah, there is a software problem:

When I do all cards of the day with Ankidroid, close Ankdroid (synchronize while closing)) and start after a while again, there are new numbers for cards which should be done that day, not zero as it should.

Well, I could fix the software problems by updating both the operating systems Windows 10 and Android 8.1.1 and Ankiweb /Ankidroid but there is still the original question:
I am not good at repeating old (learned) cards. When I repeat 20 old cards, I only know about 5 correct answers, but the other 15 appear in a row, which I don’t like. I would prefer to repeat some of the first 5 bad ones before continuing with the remaining 10. Or I shuffle the repetition of the first 5 with the rest and not continue with the rest until I know the first ones well enough.

Changing preference from 20 to zero did not help.

I could make an extra deck for 5 cards every time. But that is cumbersome.

Is there a way to set preferences so that the algorithm works for old people as well?

Hi vit,

thank you for your offer to help me adjust the algorithm.
See you on Reddit.