Red crosses, green and blue ticks. How do I get rid of them?

Hello there everybody, hope you are all well

I have just started using Anki to help with my Italian language learning and must say it is an amazing piece of kit. It’s really helping me memorise a lot of vocabulary and key grammar points, I’ve found few things so useful for just £20.

With that being said,I know this sounds like a pedantic query but how do I remove the Red Cross/ green tick/ blue tick feature that pops up after clicking a 1 min/10 min or 4 day repeat? I know it sounds ridiculous but the ticks flashing up on the screen are a minor annoyance that I want to get rid of

Any help around this would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much

In the Preferences, select the Review section, scroll down and uncheck Feedback Ticks.


Thank you very much garrett! That’s really helped me

I’m glad it was what you needed.

And by the way, welcome to the forums. I have been using Anki myself for just under a year, but it has become my most valuable app. It is worth the effort.