Quizlet recently just did an update and I think this may be where the problem stems from. When I Import quizlets to anki it throws an error 403 and wont download any with pictures. if I skip errors, the file will download without transferring any of the pictures.
Which of the Quizlet add-ons are you using? (Please provide a link, even if you need to put it in a `code/preformatted text block` for it to post.)
Have you tried to contact the add-on author about the issue?
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The code: 1362209126
The anki add on is Quizlet to anki 2.1 Importer with Audio support
I contacted the author shortly after posting this because I didnt realize add ons were edited just by the creator of add ons.
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You should read the recent reviews on the add-on page, and the recent issues in GitHub. It sounds like this has already been reported.
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hopefully the dev fixes this soon
I receive 403 error
. - 99% that this is the audio issue. Cloudflare prevents you from downloading audio from your IP address. Possible solutions:
- If you don’t need audio - uncheck the
Download audio
checkbox- Try to use your mobile phone network connection
- Try to check the
Skip errors
checkbox (It’s possible that your final deck will not have audio)- Take a look at the discussion
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