Problems with Windows Surface Pro 8

Downloaded the most recent windows version of Anki (have tried q5 and q6) onto my Surface Pro 8. Using as a tablet, I don’t have a keyboard for it yet. Downloaded some pre-made decks for MCAT studying. But I’m having problems selecting things in Anki using the touch screen. For example, under the “Options” menu for card settings, when I click the drop-down menu to choose from the available options, I cannot select any of the options. Like if I created new settings for one deck and want to apply those to another deck, I can’t do that because I cannot select that option on the second deck. In addition, the touch keyboard often does not show up when I am trying to type something, either in settings or in editing a card. How can I get Anki to work properly on my Surface Pro?!?!!

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Sounds like an issue with the toolkit Anki uses. I don’t have a tablet to test with, so cannot confirm.