Postponed cards (skipped cards)

Will cards that I have postponed (using the ‘skip button’ of an add-on or the X button on the computer) be shown again when closing Anki on the Windows version and after restarting the computer, or will they only be shown on the next learning day?

That depends on the functionality of the add-on, so you’re going to have to say exactly which add-on it is, preferably with a link to the add-on’s page. [But before you post it, make sure you check the add-on page, and any pages it links to, for instructions that will answer your question.]

I’m not sure which one it is, it’s shown as deactivated as “skip button on cards” or maybe it’s another one

It looks like it really is the skip button on cards add-on. Here’s the link to the add-on’s page:
Skip Button On Cards - AnkiWeb

Since that one is deactivated, is it possible you’re actually using its big sister – Advanced Review Bottom Bar?

Regardless, doesn’t the page you linked to answer your question?

it skips the card and will show you the card later without rescheduling it, or failing it.

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