Possible syncing limitation by FSRS "Manual" scheduling data accumulation

Since there is a limitation in syncing size, I’m worried this “Manual” info cause problem in long run for collection size!
Is “Manual” scheduling data necessary to keep?
What’s the possibility of having an option to clean these scheduling data?


@dae what do you think of that?

A manual entry is added so it becomes clear why a card’s due date doesn’t match the interval it was given when it was reviewed. The current development code warns users not to over-use the feature, and skips adding manual entries when the previous entry was a manual entry.


What happens If I delete all revlog type 0 from the database with a SQL editor?
Does it pose any threat to the scheduling?
I deleted them experimentally but weirdly enough they were still in cards info!!!
Should I delete type 0 from somewhere other than revlog?
Do they get stored somewhere else too?

That would be because according to the Anki source code revlog 0 is learning, revlog 4 is manual (IE, when FSRS reschedules).

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That’s correct.
One last question if anyone knows the answer:
Is it okay to delete them?

You can remove them, but you’ll need to force a one-way sync afterwards.

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