Polski - Portugalski (wersja europejska) PL-PT (EU)


dodałam 2 talie z fiszkami polsko-portugalskimi (wersja europejska).

VERBOS - czasowniki z odmianą (czas teraźniejszy) --> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1477394910
PORTUGUÊS - zdania, wyrażenia, idiomy --> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1747513650

Wszystkie talie są odświeżane 2-3 razy w tygodniu, jako że są tworzone w miarę, jak się uczę. Możesz zauważyć, że niektóre polskie tłumaczenia nie są zbyt poprawne gramatycznie. Nie oznacza to, że jestem niepiśmienna :wink: Stworzyłam je w sposób, który łatwiej pozwala mi zapamiętać porządek i strukturę zdania portugalskiego. Zawsze możesz je zmienić na bardziej ci odpowiadające.

Pracuję też nad talią z kolokacjami. Sprawdzaj ten wątek na bieżąco :slight_smile:

Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania lub sugestie - pisz tutaj.



Hi All,

I’ve added 2 decks with Polish - European Portuguese flashcards.

VERBOS - verbs with conjugation (present tense) --> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1477394910
PORTUGUÊS - sentences, phrases, idioms etc. --> https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1747513650

All decks are updated 2-3 times per week since they are being created as I am learning :slight_smile:
You might notice some of the polish translations are built not quite correctly. It’s not that I am illiterate :wink: I’ve created them in a way to memorise easier order and structure in Portuguese sentences. You can always change it to be more suitable for you.

I am working as well on colocations, Stay tuned!

Any question or suggestion - please post here.

Thank you!


Can you share a link to the decks?

Sorted :slight_smile:

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Hi, sorry for offtop but the links seems out-dated. Does anyone have some portuguese - polish or english cards on decks?

Oh, this topic is so old that I got shocked when I got notification :smiley:
I actually still have those 2 decks, but they are already a bit “messy” since I add to them literally everything (including my weird translation for better understanding), I add grammar rules, definitions etc. And A1 would be mixed with B2. What is your level?

Oh, I understood. Unfortunately I’m on the beginning, start learning about month ago. So for now probably better for me will be creating new cards with vocabulary from scratch. After all, my goal is to go through B1 until September.
Anyway, I am so curious about your translation for better understanding. Could you maybe share some examples of it? :smiley: I bet that the “weird” translation is also to polish?
Many Thanks for reply :blush:

May I ask which version are you learning? Spoken in Brazil or in Portugal? I found very difficult to find decent materials to learn European Portuguese, including those available in English.
And as you said, I guess the best option will be to create your own flashcard :slight_smile:

oh, I can’t remember any specific examples at the moment. Usually it was weird sentence order or I made up my own words or create some awkward forms :smiley: