No puedo añadir ningún complemento (error)

Hola, al intentar añadir en este caso ankiconection, no me deja, al poner el código del complemento de este, o cualquier otro me aparece el siguiente error, he probado de instalar otras versiones pero sigue mostrándome el mismo error.
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-07 180200

  1. What version of Anki are you using (and what others have you tried)?
    Help > About > Copy debug info
    Paste that here

  2. Are you connected to a stable internet connection?

  3. Do you have an antivirus/firewall/proxy or VPN that is blocking the download? Error establishing a secure connection when syncing - Frequently Asked Questions

1- Anki 23.12.1 (1a1d4d54)
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.6.1 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22621
2- yes
3 - hm, i have kasperesky antivirus, i don’t have to vpn

  1. Have you tried the things having to do with antivirus, suggested in the FAQ I linked to?

Lo he probado de desactivar el antivirus, la red de mi hogar es totalmente fiable y buena conexión, realmente no sé que puedo hacer.

I just checked that add-on – AnkiConnect – so I know install is working for it.

  1. Can you reach AnkiWeb directly in a browser? – Can you reach the add-ons page directly?

  2. Have you tried #2 (disabling add-ons) from the Troubleshooting Checklist – Troubleshooting - Anki Manual ?

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