Cannot download any Anki addons


Whenever I attempt to install an addon I receive the following error:

One or more errors occurred:

651521808: Please check your internet connection. (‘Connection aborted.’, FileNotFoundError(2, ‘No such file or directory’))

Here are some details about my installation and process:

Version ⁨2.1.60 (76d88073)⁩
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.4.2 PyQt 6.4.0

Tools → Add-ons → Get Add-ons → Enter Code


Doesn’t seem to be firewall related, seems that it reaches Anki Web but finds that the file/directory doesn’t exist.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Try reinstalling 2.1.60

Couldn’t replicate this issue(Qt5 only)

Similar problem:

I attempted with both versions:


The same error was thrown for both versions.

OP in the referenced post stated that version 2.1.35 had no issues with addons, I found this to be the same. I was able to install both addons in that version and reinstall latest and the “Set Font Size” addon is working. However, “Review Heatmap” requires version <= 2.1.48 so that is the version I am running.

To be clear, the CA cert was present under c:\program files\anki\lib\certifi\

If you have any further steps to resolve the issue in 2.1.60 I would be happy to try, even at the expense of Heatmap (the UI is nicer…)

2.1.35 was the latest stable release for OP (back in jun 2021)

there is this workaround if you want to try it

Yep that’s what I did, thanks for explaining :slight_smile:

Maybe your system has an environmental variable set that is telling the web library to look for the certificates in a different, missing location?

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