Download Add-ons - Connection aborted FileNotFoundError

Hello all,

I installed Anki for the first time in version 2.1.44 and now I have problems to add add-ons. I am running a Windows 10 Pro with the latest updates.

No matter which add-on ID I enter, I always get the following error message:

One or more errors occurred:

829533913: Please check your internet connection. (‘Connection aborted.’, FileNotFoundError(2, ‘No such file or directory’))

My firewall is permeable, VPN not in use, synchronization with Anki online works. I have also installed version 2.1.40 on a trial basis, but the problem persisted.

I was able to install two add-ons as a file so far, but I can’t find the installation file for all add-ons I’m interested in.

Does anyone have an idea what I could still test or what it is?


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Short feedback on my own question… ;D I just installed the x32 VErsion 2.1.35 and there are no problams at all with download and install of add-ons.
My personal workaround was to download the desired add-on, installed it under 2.1.35 and upgrade to 2.1.44 afterwards. Worked well… so far.


i’ve got the same problem i think, but my errror message is a bit different… hope the problem gets resolved!

Maybe your 2.1.44 install was incomplete, or your antivirus blocked a file? It sounds like the file in c:\program files\anki\certifi\ may be missing