No new cards after applying v3 Scheduler


I have currently some problems with the v3 scheduler on all my syncing devices (AnkiDorid and iPadOS). When applying the scheduler and applying Tools>Check Database I can’t review any new cards any more. This seems to just be the case on some decks, others are not affected and the scheduler is working properly.

Here you can see the screenshots of v3 beeing enabled (first picture) and using the default scheduler (last one):

I can’t explain why this happens on v3…

Debugging Info:

Anki 2.1.49 (nogit) Python 3.10.1 Qt 5.15.2 PyQt 5.15.6
Platform: Arch Linux
Flags: frz=False ao=False sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-12-20 18:34:32

===Add-ons (active)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])

===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===

===Add-ons (inactive)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
Review Heatmap ['review_heatmap', 2020-04-30T15:23, 'None', '']

Another change is that the new count is now capped by the review count. If you have limits of 200 reviews and 20 new cards, and 190 reviews are due, only 10 new cards will be introduced.

Does this explain the situation?

Hello and thanks for your response,
I tried messing around with the parameters (after reading the doc you mentioned) in the decks option, but I think there was no sign of any effect of it. To be 100% sure I’ll check this tomorrow again.
Best regards :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t the daily limiter not take effect on the custom study option for increasing the new card limit of an day?

If you study mainly by clicking in RTK-Main and Uni decks, placing your “Custom Study Session” deck inside Rtk-Main makes little sense to me, since filtered decks are designed mainly for extra study, out of your normal limits. The fact that the extra study deck is inside your normal study deck can be confusing.

What are your “New cards/day” and “Maximum reviews/day” settings for Rtk-Main and Uni?

Created the “Custom Study Session" Deck for testing out something a while ago.
5 New cards/day was and 50 Maximum reviews/day. But lets keep waiting, maybe it all was my fault because I did something wrong…
Now I’ve set it to 10 New cards/day was and 100 Maximum reviews/day and rebuild the database multiple times. Let’s wait and see…

Here we go.
The settings on rtk-main are the same as on rtk and all other decks in this section.

iPadOS is the same:

And AnkiDroid doesn’t implement the v3 scheduler yet ifaik:

I may be wrong, but if you click on YRtk-Main > Stats you should see:

Learning cards: 21
Relearning cards: 21

Since you have a review limit of 50, you have now:
0 new cards (because of this)
21 relearning cards + 29 review cards = 50 (your review limit)
21 learning cards (because of this

There have been recent changes in how Anki counts interday learning cards, and (again, I may be wrong, since I am not sufficiently familiar with this aspect of the program) the manual / FAQ may need an update

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It seems like you’re right. Thanks for your time and patients. I didn’t read the last sentence of the doc:

Another change is that the new count is now capped by the review count. If you have limits of 200 reviews and 20 new cards, and 190 reviews are due, only 10 new cards will be introduced.

Also the recent change you mentioned is really something that should be added to the docs, else this may lead to many users being confused (as I was).

Tanks again!