No e-mail confirmation coming in

I logged in to Ankiweb for the first time in a long time. -Very long time.

I was asked to confirm my e-mail address, and I am like:“-Sure! No problem!”, but I am not receiving the mail with the link that will allow me to confirm. Upon logging in, I get a screen that an e-mail has been sent to my address, and I see a note saying that my provider has accepted the e-mail. But, my inbox is empty and so is my spam folder.

I am able to reset my password, and I was able to join the forum using the same address. What am I missing?

The mail is being accepted by your email provider (“250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 51B377E3A5”), so if it’s not appearing in your inbox, that implies a problem with your provider. I suggest you provide them the message I quoted and ask them what they did with the mail, or try again with a different email provider.

Thanks for the follow up. -Apologies for being a little slow on my end. I am following up with my provider as suggested.


I reached out to my provider and got a load of questions in return that they need answers to in order to research the matter. I should appreciate if you could help me out on this:

  1. Sending address: Would that be “”?
  2. Receiving address: I have that.
  3. Send time stamp: Date, time
  4. Error Message, if any:
  5. Error Message Title:
  6. Error Message Body Text (full text):
  7. Error Message Header Information:

Thank you very much in advance.

I have sent you another just now. ‘250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 6503982899’. Yes, it comes from If they’re unable to help you with that info, I’m afraid I’d recommend you use a free email provider for your AnkiWeb account instead.

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