Mp4 link works on desktop, not Ankidroid

This is the link I am using:


Is mp4 linking simply not supported by the Ankidroid, or I am missing something here?


So, you’re linking to a file the on web rather than having downloaded it, put it in your note and referring to it by filename? I didn’t know that was supported by the [sound:...] syntax even on desktop. I tested it and it does indeed seem that it isn’t supported by AnkiDroid.

Two fix options

  • Download that MP4 (and any others) and add the downloaded file to the field instead so it exists offline in your media files.
  • Or if that’ll be too much work because you have so many video links already… Remove the [sound: ] surrounding the link using regex Search & replace on desktop for all your notes. Then in your card template instead of {{That audio field}} you do <video src="{{That audio field}}">. Since this is a link to the web the normal caveats to using the html <sound> or <video> tags don’t apply.

This syntax works on desktop but it’s not officially supported and documented, so it can break anytime.


This makes sense, thanks a lot, will try it tonight.

Ok, so I changed my {{Audio}} field to: https://… .mp4.

<video src="{{Audio}}"> did not work. But this worked (only in AnkiDroid, which is what I need anyway):

<video id="video" width="300" height="250" controls>
<source src="{{Audio}}" type="video/mp4">


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