Video tag not working with mp4?

I know video tag is not officially supported. But since [sound] control doesn’t have a control in ankdroid, so I still use video tag some times.

I used it as below, which works ok in ankidroid, but not in anki desktop. Any suggestion?

<video id="videoblock" controls width=640b> 
    <source src="{{webm5}}" 



You can try switching to .webp
It works both on ankidroid and pc.

Very few formats work with <video> in Anki due to limited codec support in Qt. WebM is known to work on all Anki clients.

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yes, I was using webm. but converting all files takes a lot of time—a lof of my videos are in mp4.

I’m now solving this using platform conditional template: [Suggestion] Add {{#OnDesktop}}{{/OnDesktop}} - #4 by kleinerpirat

use sound in ankidestop and video tag in ankidroid.

sound doesn’t have a preview, but it’s not a big deal.

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