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Lapse to Review Ratio

Discussion → Suggestion: Lapse to Review Ratio

Interchanging Sets of Learning Steps

  1. The sets of learning steps would be interchanged based on the difficulty of the cards,

  2. The difficulty would be based on the number of lapses on a given day or the number of consecutive times again is pressed in the learning phase of that card. There is an add-on. namely Today again count which already counts the number of consecutive lapses within a day and consecutive again presses

  3. Ideally, there would be a way to calculate the average number of times a lapse in the learning phase of all cards has occurred and the average number of consecutive times the again button is pressed so that this can be used by the user as a reference

  4. This allows for the use of a set with a very minimal amount of learning steps for easier cards (1-2 steps at maximum) which would save a lot of time.

  5. For harder cards (above-set number of consecutive times again is pressed and lapse count within a day), a set with more intense learning steps could be used accordingly. (I do not know how the add-on will change the learning steps specifically for that card without changing the preset so this could be the only problem)

  6. This add-on would work hand-in-hand with the already existing Today Again Count add-on, and the suggested Lapse to Review Ratio add-on.