LingQ cards not displaying the question/term the question

Getting there. When I try to change card/note type, I get an error message (500: database appears to be in an inconsistent state. Use Check Database”). I checked the database, says it is rebuilt, no errors. Try again to change card time, same error. Man, what a pain!

Are you trying this on Droid or Desktop?


Often you can get this to go away by some careful syncing. If your platforms are completely in sync now, I would run Check Database on Droid, and then force a one-way sync from Droid to AnkiWeb, and then sync on Desktop (which will force you to download from AnkiWeb). Then try it again.

Oh, and what version are you using?

Didn’t work.

I’m using 23.12.1 Droid, and the same on Desktop:
Version ⁨23.12.1 (1a1d4d54)⁩
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.5.3 PyQt 6.5.3

Was reported in 23.12.1, try with the new beta, select your operating system and Qt version

If you are on mac: M1,M2… → Apple; else → Intel

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