Früher hatte ich bei den neuen Karten immer 1m 6m 10m und 2d.
Bei Karten, die dann aufgestiegen waren hatte ich am nächsten Tag (also nachdem sie aufgestiegen waren mit 1d) 10m 2d 3d und 4d.
Seit den neuen Versionen ist dies aber nur mehr sehr selten der Fall. Meistens kommt 10m 2d 4d und 6d…diese Intervalle sind aber für mich zu lange, aber ich schaffe es nicht das Intervall so wieder einzustellen wie es früher war. Außerdem kommt mir vor, dass die Intervalle viel größer sind als früher…
I don’t know exactly which upgrades and versions you’re referring to, but based on the size of those differences, I’ll take an educated guess that this has to do with the change from the v2 to v3 scheduler. You are now being show the exact new interval on the grading buttons, including the Fuzz Factor that will be applied. Before, you were just shown the base interval and the Fuzz Factor was applied after that.
It’s possible that seeing those differences is psyching you out and making you think you won’t be able to remember, but it’s (nearly) the same amount of fuzz that was applied before, so it shouldn’t impact your retention. If seeing the fluctuating values is a bother, you can turn that off in Preferences > Review. Preferences - Anki Manual
If I’ve missed your point, it might help to see how you’re getting these intervals – with screenshots of your Deck Options (steps, intervals, modifiers). [Or feel free to wait for a response in German, it won’t hurt my feelings! There are several German-speaking folks who help here too.]
Lastly, you might want to take a look at the new scheduling algorithm, FSRS. It will help schedule your cards more efficiently, without you needing to fuss with these exact intervals so much. You might be seeing these cards more often than you need to.