Lagging when using deck with image occlusion

Recently updated, and brand new deck. I couldn’t find my exact issue on the forum. I’m using a deck with image occlusion to help memorize slides. Probably 1/4 of the cards have some sort of lag when I’m studying. Either the card doesn’t advance to the next one, or the Pink box won’t disappear when I press the space bar. At the bottom of the screen it will still show the “show answer” or “Again Hard Good Easy” but the card on top is not correct. If I catch that it’s lagging before pressing space, I’m able to get it to switch by repeatedly clicking on a cursor. Any ideas on what I need to do.

Take a look at the Troubleshooting Checklist – start with #6 video drivers, and #2 add-ons. Troubleshooting - Anki Manual

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